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Abbonamento Full Stark

Accedi a tutti i nostri corsi con un solo abbonamento. Scegli se pagare in unica soluzione o mensilmente e buona fruizione.


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Durata lezioni

4 settimane
120 ore di video


€ 200/anno
€ 20/mese 

Abbonamento Full Stark

Accedi a tutti i nostri corsi

Con questo abbonamento hai la possibilità di frequentare tutti i nostri corsi e seguirli quando e come vuoi. 
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Attraverso questo abbonamento puoi accedere a:

  • 50 corsi Body FLying;
  • 100 video corsi tutti per te;
  • Guide e materiali per i tuoi corsi;
  • Assistenza via chat e telefono inclusa nel prezzo!


Painter, instructor, writer
Antonella began painting at the age of six. She attended the Johnson School of Art at the age of ten and later began studying classical art. At the age of 18 she was accepted at St. Markus Institute of Art on a full scholarship. Her art series have been exhibited in the US  Europe.

Course reviews

"LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities."
Walter White
Senior product manager
"LearnWorlds is the best learning platform I found so far. I was pleasantly surprised with the possibilities."
Walter White
Senior product manager
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